Filipino Rondalla


What is Filipino Rondalla?

A traditional Filipino music plucked string ensemble.


Rondalla originated in Spain, where later in the 16th century, the Spanish colonized Philippines, bringing Rondalla for the music culture.

In 1565, Ferdinand Magellan arrived on the Philippine Islands. His main goal was to spread Christianity around the country. He also wanted to introduce the Spanish language and western European culture.

The Spanish church introduced music in the form of worship for Christian faith, with Gregorian chant and polyphony. The Spanish friars decided to teach the Filipino people Western music, from vocal and instrumental lessons to theory and counterpoint. 3 Types of music began cultivating from the Spanish culture: harana, kundiman, and rondalla. These were the results of combining elements of the Filipino indigenous music styles with Spanish music.

  • harana: courting music (serenade) - Man sing/plays guitar for a woman beneath her window at nightfall. habanera influenced for its rhythmic elements.
  • kundiman: sad, melancholy, blues music - Themes for hardships and heartbreaks, based on the Tagalog phrase, "kung hindi man", which translates to "if not meant to be." Usually starts in minor key but modulates to its parallel major key.
  • rondalla: plucked-string ensemble that contain mandolin-like instruments, guitars, and bass.

Rondalla's origin of the name is theorized by Nitoy Gonzales, a former maestro of the Bayanihan Philippine Dancers. With ronda, meaning "guard," and alla meaning "over there."

Quote from Justin Cydrick Gaffud Cabales's Thesis "Music of Pre-­‐‑colonial and Spanish Colonial Philippines, and the Filipino Rondalla":

"A bystander shouted, “A guard is there!” upon hearing a guard serenading a woman with his guitar, instead of protecting the barrio from the nearby threat of the Moslem pirates."

Another theory was that it originated from a Southern Spanish town called Ronda. Rumored to come from the Spanish word rondar, which means "to court," while others may suggest the rolling of the fingers on the strings of the plucked instrument.

Essentially, Rondalla is defined as an ensemble of the Philippines containing plucked string instruments and percussion. They are known to be performed for fiestas, weddings, baptisms, and funerals.



  1. Bandurria
  2. Laud
  3. Octavina
  4. Gitara (Guitar)
  5. Bajo de uñas (Double Bass)


There are 14 strings on each Rondalla instrument.

String Groups on Laud
String groups with Laud (Applied to all 3 instruments, Bandurria, Laud, Octavina)
Tuning Sheet Music
Bandurria Tuning
Bandurria Open Strings
Laud Tuning
Laud Open Strings
Octavina Tuning
Octavina Open Strings


Bandurria sounds an octave higher than the Laud & Octavina. Laud & Octavina are in the same octave, but Octavina's tone sounds a little deeper.
Range Pic


Chords sheet music
Chords can be played, but best to split the chord's notes to individual parts as it will be easier for the players, plus you will get a cleaner sound of the chord, unless you are looking for a certain timbre. Still, please use chords sparingly.
Bandurria Chords
Laud Chords
Octavina Chords
Harmonics sheet music
Natural Harmonics are possible, but it is not too loud. Not audible on the Bandurria. Audible for Laud & Octavina.
Laud Harmonics
Octavina Harmonics
Pluck Stroke
Pluck Stroke sheet music
Writing Up/Down strokes are optional, unless you are looking for a certain timbre the player can adjust to their preference.
Tremolo is the main feature & aesthetic for the Rondalla instruments.
Tremolo sheet music
Bandurria Tremolo
Bandurria Tremolo 2
Bandurria Tremolo 2 w/120BPM click
Laud Tremolo
Laud Tremolo 2
Laud Tremolo 2 w/120BPM click
Octavina Tremolo
Octavina Tremolo 2
Octavina Tremolo 2 w/120BPM click


My name is Fabian Fabro, a Filipino-American technical sound designer, musician, and software engineer. I created this website to provide my knowledge for Filipino Rondalla and to encourage composers and arrangers to score for Rondalla.

If you are a practicitioner and find anything I left out, please let me know by email to provide more input:

For inquiries to hire me as a composer or recording musician for Rondalla, please email me through this one:


  • "Music of Pre-colonial and Spanish Colonial Philippines, and the Filipino Rondalla" by Justin Cydrick Gaffud Cabales $
  • "The Virtuoso Bandurria: Basic Method for the Bandurria as a Solo Instrument Book I, 4th Edition" by Michael Dadap

Images I do not own that are used for educational purposes:

Rondalla Cheatsheet PDF